
Tuesday, May 15, 2012



Andrej Pejic

Andrej Pejić
28 August 1991 (age 20)
TuzlaSR Bosnia-HerzegovinaSFR Yugoslavia

Pejic was born in Tuzla and has one older brother Igor. Their mother, Jadranka Savić is Bosnian Serb and their father, Vlada Pejić, Bosnian Croat. The parents divorced shortly after Andrej's birth. During the Bosnian War, Pejic fled to Serbia with his mother, brother, and grandmother, settling in a refugee camp near Belgrade. When asked if he found his childhood difficult, Pejic said:
No, I was happy. The camp was a community. We went to school and I had lots of friends – mainly girls. Everybody played outside. My memories are very carefree.
After the refugee camp, the family settled in Vojska village near Svilajnac. Andrej met his father for the first time when he was four years old. The siblings' mother wanted them to have a relationship with their father and to that end Pejic and brother Igor would spend a month every summer with their father.
After the 1999 NATO bombing of Serbia, Pejic's mother felt unsafe and decided to initiate immigration process for Australia. In 2000, the family moved to Melbourne, Australia as political refugees when Pejic was eight years old.

Andrej Pejic, male model of a slender, long blond hair, small nose and full lips that, it raises a new phenomenon in the fashion industry. He became the first male model to demonstrate women's fashion collection. But in a collection fashion show in Sao Paulo Lino Villaventura Fashion Week, Friday (17/06/2011) then, Pejic prove that he is still capable of modeling the menswear collection.

19-year-old model appeared on the runway with the models the collection of menswear and women of the designers from Brazil. He wore a baggy shirt and trousers high waisted, with a single suspender that looks like a tie. , boots with pointed toes, and the headpiece that hung close one eye.

Pejic closed his performance that night by wearing the color of pewter pleated evening dress in the style of ancient Greece. Her hair was tied back and adorned with a different headpiece. The original plain-colored lips are now painted with berry lipstick. Pejic was strolling with luwesnya on high heels.

Even so, not all the guests are satisfied with the performance of the model is bloody Croatia-Serbia. "From where I sit under where the photographer, I could see Pejic a little shaky when he gave a pose to pose at the end of the runway," said Leah Chernikoff of

Earlier this month, Pejic made headlines because it ranks 98th in the list of world's 100 sexiest women in FHM magazine's readers choice. Pejic also caused a stir when Barnes & Noble decided to censor the cover of Dossier magazine, featuring a shirtless middle Pejic. In the photo, Pejic looked stripped of his shirt, while her blond hair in a coil of hair rollers. Well, the bookstore is worried visitors Pejic a woman thinks her store.

Model who grew up in Australia is always saying that he did not care if people thought him a man or woman. "I think the real question is not the sex of the person who is on the cover of the magazine, but whether it is pornography or art," he told New York magazine. "And obviously, it's an art. So the art should not be censored in a democratic society like this."

1.88 m high man with this question, why not Barnes & Noble uncomfortable with images of shirtless men in fitness magazines. But the joke, he said he could understand why this bookstore to be confused as such. "I've only got the title of the 98 sexiest women in the world, so the situation is more confusing for them," he said.